The Diplomate In Chiropractic Craniocervical Junction Procedures (DCCJP) is designed for upper cervical Doctors of Chiropractic who may already be proficient in a specific upper cervical procedure but wish to advance their diagnostic, analytical, and clinical skills. The DCCJP also provides significant opportunities to learn about other upper cervical procedures to help improve patient outcomes. Those who participate in this program will enhance their skills and techniques and expand their knowledge as an individual chiropractor in the field of upper cervical care through the International Chiropractors Association Upper Cervical Council.
One of the goals and benefits of the DCCJP is facilitating the growth of knowledge and the deepening of understanding within the field of upper cervical care.
The program is taught by a multidisciplinary faculty of seasoned academicians and clinicians who will teach you how to protect the health and well-being of the individual patient and the public in general with respect to the scientific application of upper cervical care technology.
Course of Study
The program includes 300+ hours of classroom instruction and takes 2.5 years to complete. A mandatory requirement is certification in one upper cervical procedure. The certifications accepted are Advanced Orthogonal, Atlas Orthogonal, Blair, EPIC, Grostic, Knee Chest, NUCCA and Orthospinology. Doctors who are not certified in at least one of these procedures prior to enrolling in the DCCJP program may get their certification any time before sitting for the DCCJP Board Examination.
Test & Requirements
During the first year of the course there is an online exam after the 9th Module which must be passed in order to continue to the second year of the course. Doctors who do not pass may retake the year one exam when the program is offered again. The writing of two research papers and an oral presentation of a research paper during Module 20 are also mandatory requirements of the curriculum.
Who May Register
Doctors of Chiropractic who have graduated from a CCE-accredited college may enroll in the program. Additionally, Individual Course Purchases
for doctors who would like to purchase an individual course at the price of $800, may do so. During the registration process, you will have the opportunity to select the courses you wish to attend.
Board Examination
The Board Examination for the DCCJP is held once a year. It includes three written and three oral exams by three different examiners. It is held over three days depending on the number of candidates. The location for the exam is decided six months prior to the exam and may not necessarily be in the same city where the classes are held.

Inaugural group of DCCJPs. Class of 2015. Front Row, L to R: Dr. Jean-Paul Bohemier (AB, Canada), Dr. Melissa Licari (FL), Dr. Rachae Bell (WA), Johanna Hoeller (BC, Canada), Dr. Patricia Gregg (Texas), Dr. Christine Theodossis (SC), Dr. Bo Rochester (Instructor, GA), Dr. Daniel Judge (MI), Dr. Matt McNally ( WI), Dr. Mychal Beebe (NH), Dr. Jeff Scholten (AB, Canada), Dr. Joseph Miles (NC), Dr. Anthony Monnin (OH), Dr. Scott Bales (ON, Canada).2nd row L to R: Dr. Craig York (AR), Dr. Julie Mayer Hunt (Instructor, FL), Dr. Tyler Evans (NH), Dr. Ian Bulow (PA), Dr. Philip Schalow (IL) and Dr. Fred Schurger (IL).
Further Course Information
Course of Study
The program includes 23 modules of 12 hours each and takes about 2.5 years to complete. The syllabus provides intensive education in spinal biomechanics, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, advanced imaging, collaborative learning of the major orthogonal and articular approaches to adjust the upper cervical spine, outcome assessments, integrative learning as well as upper cervical research that includes writing and presentation of professional papers.
Our DCCJP program offers outstanding education at an annual tuition rate of $4,250. To learn more about payment plan options, please contact our Accounting Office at: 703-528-5000.
Payment Options
Annual tuition can be paid in up to 4 installments. To set up a payment plan, please contact our Accounting Office at: 703-528-5000. All payments must be made by January 1, 2025.
There is a test at the end of Year 1 (Module 10). Doctors must pass this test in order to continue to year 2. There is another test and paper presentation at the end of year 2. There is no make-up test for doctors who are unable to take the test when scheduled.
Board Certification Examination
The Board Exam is conducted approximately 6-8 weeks after the end of Year 3. It includes three written and three oral examinations. Candidates must pay a fee ($750) to sit for the Board Examination.
Continuing Education Credits
Continuing Education (CE) credits for 8-8 Modules in Year 1 will be applied for. Doctors will be informed which modules are CE accredited when Year 1 begins.
Who May Register
Doctors of Chiropractic who have graduated from a CCE-accredited institution may enroll.
All DCs enrolled in the program are required to become members of the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care.
Since doctors enrolling in this program come from several different states and Canadian provinces, the classes will be rotated through different cities including Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, Orlando, and Tampa.
Cancellation Policy
ICA Reserves the right to cancel or postpone the start date if less than 15 applicants register for the program.
To register or learn more, contact the ICA at or 703-528-5000.