Speaker Documents

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Your Information

Your Documents

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Each speaker must provide one page CV that includes all of the following: name, address, telephone number, education (name of institution and graduation date), license information (state of active license and license number), and experience only as it pertains to credentialing for speaker status for that course material (may include practice experience). The file must be smaller than 8MB.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Each speaker must provide 1–2 academic references for the academic content they are teaching. In the event of identical academic material, the organization can provide 5–6 references for the subject matter as opposed to each individual instructor. The file must be smaller than 8MB.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
In order to be introduced properly, we require a brief biography. Please provide us with a concise, 300–500 word bio that highlights your professional background, accomplishments, and areas of expertise. The file must be smaller than 8MB.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
To showcase our esteemed speakers on our event website and promotional materials, we would greatly appreciate a professional headshot. Please send us a high-resolution image in JPEG or PNG format that is well-lit and without background distractions. The file must be smaller than 8MB.

Course Description

This description will be used to inform our attendees about the content and objectives of your course, ensuring they have a clear understanding of what to expect. We kindly ask you to include the following elements in your course description:

Course Objective

Please provide a concise statement outlining the main goal or objective of your course. This will help participants understand the specific knowledge or skills they can expect to gain from attending.

Statement of Purpose

We would greatly appreciate it if you could provide a brief statement explaining the purpose or significance of the course. This will help attendees understand the relevance and value of the topic you will be presenting.

Overview of Course

Please provide an overview of the course content, highlighting the key topics, concepts, or activities that will be covered. This will give attendees a clear idea of the subjects that will be explored and the structure of the course.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
The file must be smaller than 8MB.

We appreciate your patience!

Some files can take a few minutes to upload. Please do not leave or close this page until you receive confirmation your abstract has been successfully submitted.